November is Rotary Foundation Month which is probably the most important month to reflect on why we are in Rotary.
The Rotary Foundation is the heart of Rotary; it’s where we continually see how we are making a difference in the world. Take the time to reflect on what’s happening within your local community through funding from District Grants or in overseas projects in third world countries funded by Clubs and the District through Global Grants. The outcome is we are assisting those less fortunate than us with a better life. The massive amount of effort which Rotary has put into the Polio Eradication Program is without a doubt inspiring at a world-wide level, but this doesn’t just happen. It happens because Rotarians in every club are making an effort to raise awareness and funds to ensure our Foundation is adequately funded so we may ensure the world is a better place and that we get on and rid the world of this debilitating disease.
I was particularly encouraged at the wide range of activities held throughout the District to coincide with World Polio Day on October 24th that ranged from presentations, deputations, purple doughnuts, Museum exhibits, walks, runs, cycle rides, breakfasts, lunches and dinners held under the “World’s Greatest Meal” banner…..and don’t forget that if we increase our giving to polio by 5%, Zone Director Jeffry Cadorette and incoming Director Valarie Wafer will parachute jump as part of the “Drop to Zero” challenge.
During the month I hope you will take the opportunity to showcase the work of your club and the Foundation. Why not get one of your Rotarians to speak about one of the projects your club has accomplished with the assistance of either a District or Global Grant or play one of the short “Area of Focus” videos?
During the month I hope you will take the opportunity to showcase the work of your club and the Foundation. Why not get one of your Rotarians to speak about one of the projects your club has accomplished with the assistance of either a District or Global Grant or play one of the short “Area of Focus” videos?
Take the opportunity to thank, celebrate and recognise your fellow club members for their donations to the Foundation whether they be a “Rotarian Every Year”, Sustaining Member, Paul Harris Fellow, Bequest Society Member or Major Donor. As part of our forward plan we are seeking 100 new Bequest Society Members over the next 3 years. Please consider leaving a legacy when you next look at your Estate Planning so you may continue doing good beyond your lifetime. Why not plan an event to encourage donations to our Foundation on “Giving Tuesday” on December 3rd, 2019?
At the Vibrant Club Seminar Foundation Chair Martin Ward and District Grants Chair Myrna Inglis will be running a focus group session to introduce and fine tune our new online grant certification process.
Last year the Foundation funded over 1,300 global grants and raised over $395 million to do good in the world or as I like to say “Dogoodery!”
Turning to youth for a moment, November 4th to 10th has been designated “World Interact Week”, write to me to let me know what your club’s is doing to promote Interact in your community.
Finally remember it is our Foundation…… thank you for supporting it and have a great November.